Whats The Difference Between Goroutines And Project Loom? Is Their Any?

By default, the Fiber uses the ForkJoinPool scheduler, and, although the graphs are shown at a different scale, you can see that the number of JVM threads is much lower here compared to the one thread per task model. This resulted in hitting the green spot that we aimed for in the graph shown earlier. First let’s write a simple program, an echo server, which accepts a connection and allocates a new thread to every new connection. Let’s assume this thread is calling an external service, which sends the response after few seconds. So, a simple Echo server would look like the example below.

project loom vs golang

As we will see, a thread is not an atomic construct, but a composition of two concerns — a scheduler and a continuation. More importantly, every thread you create in your Java Virtual Machine consumes more or less around 1 megabyte of memory, and it’s outside of heap. No matter how much heap you allocate, you have to factor out the extra memory consumed by your threads.

Does it mean that Linux has some special support for Java? Because it turns out that not only user threads on your JVM are seen as kernel threads by your operating system. On newer Java versions, even thread names are visible to your Linux operating system. Even more interestingly, from the kernel point of view, there is no such thing as a thread versus process. This is just a basic unit of scheduling in the operating system. The only difference between them is just a single flag, when you’re creating a thread rather than a process.

Virtual Threads: Jmeter Meets Project Loom

We don’t run any further tests since the service under load is already overloaded and we have already identified a difference between virtual and platform threads. Let’s now run some tests experimenting with different loads and deployment scenarios and see what differences we see between virtual and platform threads. To compile and run the tests, since virtual threads is a preview feature, we need to specify the –enable-preview JVM flag. Using explicit throttling mechanisms will be needed if a programmer wants to benefit having thousands, even millions, of simultaneous virtual threads while avoiding exhausting/overloading other limited resources. You can spin up 10’000nds, even millions of virtual threads. These then allows Java to keep its existing concurrency approach but scale it to way finer grained operations.

project loom vs golang

Ask questions and post articles about the Go programming language and related tools, events etc. I highly doubt that something like „project loom“ will have a huge impact on the number of Go Developers/Positions/Projects or the general usefulness of Go. Join developers across the globe for live and virtual events led by Red Hat technology experts. Red Hat OpenShift Open, hybrid-cloud Kubernetes platform to build, run, and scale container-based applications — now with developer tools, CI/CD, and release management. As the number of threads increases, we see an expected increment in deviation from ideal TPS due to the higher load imposed on the machine.

Most tasks in most apps are often waiting for users, storage, networks, attached devices, etc. An example of a rare task that might not block is something that is CPU-bound like video-encoding/decoding, scientific data analysis, or some kind of intense number-crunching. Such tasks should be assigned to platform threads directly rather than virtual threads. But most threads in your app will likely not be created by you but by your web server.

Before we move on to some high level constructs, so first of all, if your threads, either platform or virtual ones have a very deep stack. This is your typical Spring Boot application, or any other framework like Quarkus, or whatever, if you put a lot of different technologies like adding security, aspect oriented programming, your stack trace will be very deep. With platform threads, the size of the stack trace is actually fixed.

There are places where Java is better and there are places where Go is.

Implementing Raft Using Project Loom

These virtual threads actually reside on heap, which means they are subject to garbage collection. In that case, it’s actually fairly easy to get into a situation where your garbage collector will have to do a lot of work, because you have a ton of virtual threads. You don’t pay the price of platform threads running and consuming memory, but you do get the extra price when it comes to garbage collection.

Virtual Threads impact not only Spring Framework but all surrounding integrations, such as database drivers, messaging systems, HTTP clients, and many more. Many of these projects are aware of the need to improve their synchronized behavior to unleash the full potential of Project Loom. The run method returns true when the continuation terminates, and false if it suspends. The suspend method allows passing information from the yield point to the continuation , and back from the continuation to the suspension point .

In general, these amount to asynchronous programming models. Some, like CompletableFutures and Non-Blocking IO, work around the edges of things by improving the efficiency of thread usage. Others, like JavaRX , are wholesale asynchronous alternatives.

Project Loom: Why Are Virtual Threads Not The Default?

The continuations discussed here are „stackful“, as the continuation may block at any nested depth of the call stack . In contrast, stackless continuations may only suspend in the same subroutine as the entry point. Also, the continuations discussed here are non-reentrant, meaning that any invocation of the continuation may change the „current“ suspension point.

project loom vs golang

At least in this case, we’re more after using Loom for the programming model, to create an understandable (and hence human-verifiable) implementation of Raft, rather than for performance—where Loom also has a lot to offer. Spent half of his life on programming, for the last decade professionally in Java land. Disappointed with the quality of software written these days (so often by himself!), hates long methods and hidden side… And of course, there would have to be some actual I/O or other thread parking for Loom to bring benefits. Project Loom has revisited all areas in the Java runtime libraries that can block and updated the code to yield if the code encounters blocking. Java’s concurrency utils (e.g. ReentrantLock, CountDownLatch, CompletableFuture) can be used on Virtual Threads without blocking underlying Platform Threads.


If fibers are represented by the Fiber class, the underlying Thread instance would be accessible to code running in a fiber (e.g. with Thread.currentThread or Thread.sleep), which seems inadvisable. Project Loom addresses just https://globalcloudteam.com/ a tiny fraction of the problem, it addresses asynchronous programming. However, it doesn’t address quite a few other features that are supported by reactive programming, namely backpressure, change propagation, composability.

Creating a thread and then sleeping for eight hours, because for eight hours, you are consuming system resources, essentially for nothing. With Project Loom, this may be even a reasonable approach, because a virtual thread that sleeps consumes very little resources. You don’t pay this huge price of scheduling operating system resources and consuming operating system’s memory. Essentially, a continuation is a piece of code that can suspend itself at any moment in time and then it can be resumed later on, typically on a different thread. You can freeze your piece of code, and then you can unlock it, or you can unhibernate it, you can wake it up on a different moment in time, and preferably even on a different thread. This is a software construct that’s built into the JVM, or that will be built into the JVM.

  • His professional interests include everything Java, as well as other languages and technologies for the JVM, including an unhealthy obsession with java bytecode.
  • With Project Loom, we simply start 10,000 threads, each thread per each image.
  • Keep in mind that we do not aim to run a comprehensive comparison here.
  • The only difference between them is just a single flag, when you’re creating a thread rather than a process.
  • It was doing all the scheduling, so making sure your user threads are effectively using the CPU.

Spring Runtime offers support and binaries for OpenJDK™, Spring, and Apache Tomcat® in one simple subscription. When the continuation is invoked again , control returns to the line following the yield point . A thread is a sequence of computer instructions executed sequentially.

Zio Vs Loom: The Verdict

My machine is Intel Core i H with 8 cores, 16 threads, and 64GB RAM running Fedora 36. So in a thread-per-request model, the throughput will be limited by the number of OS threads available, which depends on the number of physical cores/threads available on the hardware. To work around this, you have to use shared thread pools or asynchronous concurrency, both of which have their drawbacks. Thread pools have many limitations, like thread leaking, deadlocks, resource thrashing, etc.

With fibers, the two different uses would need to be clearly separated, as now a thread-local over possibly millions of threads is not a good approximation of processor-local data at all. If fibers are represented by Threads, then some changes would need to be made to such striped data structures. In any event, it is expected that the addition of fibers would necessitate adding an explicit API for accessing processor identity, whether precisely or approximately. A separate Fiber class might allow us more flexibility to deviate from Thread, but would also present some challenges. If the scheduler is written in Java — as we want — every fiber even has an underlying Thread instance.

They are sleeping blocked on a synchronization mechanism, or waiting on I/O. It’s just a different way of performing or developing software. I will be talking about Project Loom, which is not yet available. It’s a project that allows us developers to write concurrent code in a much, much different way, in a much simpler way. Going into details, it will allow us to create millions of threads on the Java platform, which is right now absolutely impossible.

Technically, it is possible, and I can run millions of threads on this particular laptop. First of all, there’s this concept of a virtual thread. A virtual thread is very lightweight, it’s cheap, and it’s a user thread. By lightweight, I mean you can really allocate Java Loom millions of them without using too much memory. A carrier thread is the real one, it’s the kernel one that’s actually running your virtual threads. Of course, the bottom line is that you can run a lot of virtual threads sharing the same carrier thread.

Netflix has been widely known for using reactive programming and being big contributors to the reactive programming frameworks out there. But even they have scaled back on their use recently. In Java, and computing in general, a thread is a separate flow of execution. With threads, you can have multiple things happening at the same time. At a high level, a continuation is a representation in code of the execution flow. In other words, a continuation allows the developer to manipulate the execution flow by calling functions.

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